Hey guys.
I know I’m not making too many puddings, but I promise I will work hard on this, learning more untraditional methods and techniques which I will share with you in future 🙂 But I believe you will like today’s vegan desert I have made for you. It’s been in my mind for a long time, I have been playing a little bit with the ingredients and now here is my final recipe.
280ml cashew milk
50ml soya cream
1 1/2 carrageenan kappa (sea weeds gelatine)
1 or 2 spoon of dark agave syrup
2-4 tbsp of hot water
raw coulee
90g blueberries
10ml port wine
20ml dark treacle
8 g fresh mint leaves
1 tbsp of water
Add the milk and cream with the syrup in a small pot and bring to the boil. Prepare the gelatine mixture and add it, whisking for another 7 min before using a kitchen sifter. (You will need large cup for the kappa gelatine, add hot water and mix it very quickly till it reaches a smooth consistency, then add it to the hot milk and soya cream).
Finally move the panna cotta to your mold and let it cool down for an hour before putting it in the fridge for a further 6 hours.
Add all ingredients to your food processor and blend them up well.